Couple Dandelions Breath

The Power of Breath

Mazdaznan declares that the key unto wisdom lies in the power of breath obtained through diligent and religious practices of rhythmic prayers and songs on the breath, i.e., on the exhalation, and the application of a scientific faith which comes to us through the exercise of our gifts, talents, endowments and attributes in the daily walks of life and our ability to cope with the demands of time which alone lead to the solution of the most perplexing problems of life.


Mazdaznan reveals a systematic method of breathing that stirs the negative forces within the body, changing the currents into positive action, producing a quickening power that imparts consciousness to one's individuality, giving joy, freedom and emancipation.

To derive the greatest possible benefit from rhythmic breathing, one has not only to pay attention to the position of the chest, which should be raised high and remain there, but one requires to see that the diaphragmatic fold begins to press against the pleura with every inhalation as well as exhalation. To succeed in this one needs to pay more attention to the moment of retentment immediately after an inhalation and the pause immediately after the exhalation known as arrestment. Retentments and arrestments are most important momentums in the respiratory performance.

When conscious of retentment right after exhalation, the air inhaled is first concentrated and with the exhalation and subsequent arrestment, the elements of the air and the chemical compounds become converted, making it possible for the blood to become purified, and with it the venous blood is turned into arterial blood.

The moments of retentment and arrestment strengthen and reinforce the lung cells as well as the heart muscles.

Force should not be resorted to. It should be done always in a relaxed manner. But relaxation does not mean to fall into a heap. Simply straighten up, if sitting, standing or walking. If lying down, then be sure one straightens out in such a way that the chest-wall is free, while the limbs are well stretched.

With every indrawn breath, one must be conscious of oneself, of Ga-Llama the centralizing life principle, which builds up the cells and tissues. It is within one basically; it is around one externally. Thoughtlessly one breathes it out into the universe; thoughtfully one draws it into one's being. This " water of life " is the breath, the spirit, the essence of life, without which there is no consciousness of existence here in matter.

One must learn to breathe consciously in order to attract this vital essence. Without this innermost desire to attract it one never receives it, although it is ever near, and one has the basic principle thereof within one's being. One is unconscious of it because one does not recognize its presence. One knows and feels its presence only when one concentrates upon it and feels the desire of attaining it.

Deep rhythmic breathing, like different exercises, may be manipulated to produce desired results. To promote physical growth one should use long exhalations ; to increase certain talents, retain the breath for a longer time after deep inhalations. In reversing this operation and holding the breath after long expirations, a state of inspiration will be evolved leading to revelation of things unknown, to be of value in the daily walks of life.

As a musician must practice daily his technique before attempting to master a composition, in like manner must the individual manipulate the keyboard of his own physical body by scientific application and mental control of the breath as it enters the three lobes of the lungs — the upper or chest lobes, the diaphragmatic lobes and the back lobes of the lungs.

The knowledge of the operations of nature in the human frame cannot be acquired in a day, but must be studied with concentration and with a unity of purpose over many years.


Take a seat upon a chair, with feet resting firmly upon the floor. Sit as far back in the chair as the body will allow without the shoulders touching the back of it. Throw out the chest, raising it slightly, at the same time drawing in the abdominal region. Shoulders are thrown back gently and drooping just a little; hands resting upon the lower limbs, elbows touching hipbone, thumbs thrown out in form of a V, fingers drawn out without directly touching each other. Feet are separated, toes about five to seven inches apart, heels only one or two inches, thus forming the letter V. Lips are closed, teeth separated, tongue resting upon lower part of mouth, tip of tongue touching lower teeth and gently curved under and perfectly flattened and relaxed. Chin is drawn in sufficiently to show an independent air. The whole position is perfectly erect with all the muscles relaxed but spinal column firm. The position must be so taken that the back of the body is always turned toward the light.

Select some object of a dull nature which will have no tendency to suggest or induce drifting thought currents. A farthing or an envelope with a small black spot inked in in circular form may be chosen if desired. Place the object four to seven feet distant in a position level with the eyes. Look at it steadily but do not allow eyelids to droop. In this position it will be observed that ideas of a drifting nature no longer have a hold upon the mind and one is in the right position to concentrate; for the whole secret of success in the unfoldment of knowledge lies in the ability to concentrate.

Empty the lungs, first by exhaling all the air one possibly can with perfect ease and without effort or strain. Now inhale through the nostrils only, slowly, gently, fully, and with perfect rhythm, for seven seconds. Begin by filling the upper lobes of the lungs as much as the position taken will allow naturally and without effort, then the remainder of the respiratory organs, even to the uttermost. In the exhalation, observe the same rule, controlling the action of the lungs so as to prevent spasms, unevenness or rapidity — all must be done in perfect waves and circles.

While inhaling this Breath of Life, with eyes steadily centered upon the object before one, concentrate the mind functions upon the breath itself, following the current of breath mentally as it enters the nostrils, along the air tubes into the lungs and as it expands the chest and diaphragmatic region. Then as one exhales, follow the reverse current.

During this process of breathing think of Ga-Llama, the centralizing Life-principle, convinced that it is for the purpose of building up cellular tissues throughout the entire system, thereby ensuring a formulation for the regenerative or child life. Breathe with the knowledge that Breath is the Life-Principle and that the object of breathing is to reach perfect consciousness. The exercise alone without concentration will only partly do the work and the result be accordingly. The concentration without the exercise will only assure mental gratification for the time being, but will not produce results of a lasting nature.

To make this exercise clearer, so that no one may err, attention is called to the fact that the Individual breath requires the inhalation of seven seconds and the exhalation of an equal period. The Mother breath (given by mother at the time of conception) in its highest phase, is of three seconds, and if of a lesser period, there is a poor look-out for existence on this plane. One is to be able to inhale for seven seconds and to exhale for seven seconds.

Take the exercise for three minutes at a time, three times a day — three minutes in the morning, three minutes at noon and three minutes before sunset, making nine minutes assigned thereto for the whole day. It is best taken before meals. Do not, however, take it for at least a half-hour after meals.

In all breathing exercises one should prepare therefor by completely emptying the lungs. This is accomplished better by taking a Prelude breath. Begin by breathing short breaths. One breath in; one breath out. In, out; in, out; in, out; six or more times; and then when the lungs have been emptied with a long out, one is ready to proceed.


Breathe in the quickening ozone of the ascending season (Spring) and learn to retain Ga-Llama, that centralizing life principle which is the essence of your being, the principle in which you live, move and have your existence, and which alone will help to redeem your body from the fetters of ancestral chains. Ga-Llama, the inspiration of sages, adepts, philosophers, saviours, Ga-Llama, which opens the portals of the mind and sends forth the light of understanding and wisdom, imparting life eternal.

Breathe at early morn while moss and leaf are laden with the rainbow-coloured dewdrops from heaven and all nature reflects her freshness upon the diamond-cut mirror of ether as a reminder unto life everlasting.

Breathe a few well-drawn breaths at every hour of the day that the scintillating light of nature may all the more crystallize unto your bosom, calling forth the latent forces hidden therein unto an inspiration soothing to the heart's fond longings.

Breathe at noontime that the luminary in the midst of his glory may quicken your soul unto the full realization of the Light of Understanding and reveal to you all the objects of sense without the slightest suggestion of a shadow.

Breathe at the hour of the ringing of vesper chimes that in the advance of the hours of the day you may more fully realize the advancement of your labours, the fruit whereof is to rejoice you.

Breathe in the cool of the evening that at the hour of quiet breezes calm may come to your mind, and in meditating upon the moving panorama of the past, catch the reflex light of the golden future before you unto inspiration of brighter attainments.

Even at night, under the waxing and the waning of the moon, in the presence of a starlit heaven, or at the lengthening of the shadows upon the distant firmament, breathe the reflex sparks of the life of nature that even the dark hours of life may reveal to you treasures unto a life worth living.

The Spring is the season to learn to breathe in accordance with natural laws. Just listen to the singing of the birds; listen how they sing on the breath. Listen how the cattle upon a thousand hills speak on the breath. And again, how the breezes as they encircle you breeze on the breath. Learn from the ripples of the brooks, the flow of rivers, the clash of waves, that all nature breathes in rhythm and on the breath.

Thus even you should follow the bidding of nature if it be your wish to be in harmony therewith.

You should: —

Think on the breath.
Speak on the breath.
Sing on the breath.
Hum on the breath.
Drink on the breath.
Eat on the breath.
Work on the breath.

Whatever it be, consider that inspiration can come to you only on the breath, even as revelation will be his whosoever listens to the still small voice revealing the treasures of life on the breath.


God breathes through all nature — and what is more elevating and inspiring than to walk through the deep woods and to bathe in the beneficent spirit that emanates from the heart of nature! Here one may enter the silence. Here one may be conscious of the Oneness of God, man and nature. Here silence reigns supreme and the soul enters the hush of its own native element and basks in the beauty of all that is akin to its divine station. Silence permeating the circumference of being uniting mind, heart, soul and spirit, creates a peace, quietude and tranquillity that reveals the inner hidden operations of the individualized soul, drawing all the vibrations, pulsations to the central point — the heart, wherein is revealed the peace that surpasseth all understanding. The Ego hovers over all, revealing consciousness, wisdom and understanding, power and effulgence of light divine, clothing this mortal garment with the consciousness of Immortality unto Eternity. Thus we as individualized entities, have identically the same attributes and possibilities as the infinite Intelligence whence we have emanated.

Photo credits: © contrastwerkstatt -

You can order the book „Health and Breath Culture“ (1914, 2nd edition) here.
You can order the booklet „Breathing exercises 1–6“ (197x) here.
You can order the booklet „The Spirit of Breath“ (1939) here.
You can order the booklet „Science of Breathing“ (1934) here.